About Us
Board of Directors
Susan Jacobs
Founder & CEO
Susan Jacobs founded Wheels of Success in 2003 after a personal experience gave her insight into how critical reliable transportation is to maintain employment. After leaving a domestic violence situation, she found herself without a car to get to work and realized that maintaining stable employment without a vehicle was practically impossible.
John Punzak – President
Channel Director
Eric Nowak, Esq. – Secretary
McBreen & Nowak
Danna Haydar, Esq.
August Night, LLC dba The C House Restaurant & Lounge and The Battery at Sparkman Wharf
Erica Holliday
GTE Financial
Member Resolution Manager

Dr. Virnitia Dixon
Santander Consumer USA
EVP, Chief Diversity Officer
Advisory Board Members:
Diane Jamai, Retired from City of Tampa
Heather Steinfeld, Microsoft
Joanne Weiland – Link to Expert
If you are interested in being considered for a Board position, contact: info@wheelsofsuccess.org