Wheels of Success saved my life and my future. As a domestic violence survivor among other trauma, I had lost everything. Trying to survive in a new town with no vehicle and dealing with severe PTSD learning to navigate town via walking, biking or bus was extremely difficult unreliable and unsafe. My employment was limited. My education was limited and my hope gone. I bought my car through Wheels Of Success’s ABC program. And what a life changer that became! I was able to finish school successfully by being there on time I was able to get better employment out of the neighborhood that I was residing in and I actually was able to move to a better part of town, which would’ve been impossible without a reliable vehicle, reliable transportation. The support and stability that a vehicle has brought me has changed the course of my future and not just for me but my children also.

I think it is overlooked at how important having a vehicle is. Some say oh it’s easy just take a bus without understanding how unsafe the bus actually is how vulnerable you are as a young woman with children standing on the side of the road. I cannot thank Susan and staff with Wheels Of Success enough for what they helped provide me with. From the top of the hill please donate to this program because it is beyond worth it.

It’s saving lives. It’s changing futures!